Saturday, November 25, 2017

A3: Service, Service – not Power!

Understanding the Rome Instruction
On the Syro-Malabar issue

It is now universally known that our Petition dated 24 May 2014, titled "Is Christ Divided?" to the Holy Father received a clear, positive and comprehensive response from Rome. This response, in the form of a formal "Instruction" dated 28 January 2016 from the Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus (Congregation for the Oriental Churches), signed by its Prefect, Leonardo Cardinal Sandri, has been widely disseminated.

It must be noted that, unlike Kalyan1993 (Mumbai), this is NOT an "Indult" - or "exception" to Church laws; the “Instruction” explicitly states that what is being asked for in the Petition is clearly within Church laws already existing. That explicit statement - as well as the circumstances in which the Petition has been framed - are clearly of universal application. From the clarity, strength and unequivocal nature of the "Instruction" it is amply clear that the principles laid down in the "Instruction" are universal. Once and for all, the issue of inter-ritual choice in such situations stands settled, here and everywhere in the universal Church.

The "Instruction" is also very clear on how the lay faithful of SM ancestry have to be respected and helped; and how all sacraments without exception can be availed of in either Latin or SM church without any compulsion. In this context, it specifically lays down how the Latin and SM pastors have to work with "joyful collaboration" to ensure all this happens.

Three months after receipt of this "Instruction" in India, one of our representatives formally met Cardinal Sandri. The Prefect was very clear: One, Catholics of SM ancestry are encouraged to adopt the SM rite "to the extent possible" (a phrase that appears in the "Instruction" and one that he repeated). Two, the Church has always loved its diversity, but this diversity has never in any way been intended to be a cause for division within it.

A public meeting was convened by the Petitioners on Pentecost Sunday, 2016, where all this was explained in detail. For those who could not attend that meeting - and for others anywhere in the world to whom this issue is pertinent - we now, once again, present the original "Instruction" for your own examination, this time with our explanation and comments, para by para, on what it means.

We look forward to receiving your studied comments in the spirit of the "Instruction". We will also try to answer any queries and provide clarifications wherever required. Having met the Prefect and having studied the Instruction in great detail, we are crystal clear about its meaning and intent; and, if required,
we will be happy to go to the Congregation for further clarification in the event of any attempt to misinterpret the Instruction.

Laity4Unity Coordinating Committee,
New Delhi.

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